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Monday, September 20, 2010

Whats mes learns so fars from Miss Nevys class...

First of alls mes habs to says mes hads heards lots of stuff about Miss Nevy, that all her classes were funs ans yous learned a lot.  Mes habs to say its true!  Mes lubs Miss Nevy cus she pushes us.  Mes learned about adjectibs ans nouns, ans about biomes ans poetry.  Its so funs cus mes got to build the first fing in mes life!  Mes builds mes own biome!!!  We also learneds about rainforests ans other kinds of forests, the tundra (thats were the penguins libs) ans about the desert ans the cactuses ans the sea ans where the fishies lib. That was the awesomest fing ebers.  Mes cant wait to see what else we learns next of the year!


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