Lasy year mes wents to HKE. For mes, excepts for two or three peoples mes mets, it wasnt the best experience. When mes graduated, mes told mes parents mes wanteds to go to another school. Mes felts mes didnt really learned anyfins ans the main reason one goes to school is to learns new fings. Wes lookeds all obers for a school. After tawkins to mes good friend Kia she tolds mes about Miss Jill ans OSE. Mes IMed Miss Jill asked her about the school after mes saw the buildins mes was combinced this was the right school for mes. Mes lubs that theres so many extracurricular actibities ans mes been so luckeh cus mes met coolies peoples ans mes habs the bestest teacher, Miss Nevys whoms mes lubs ans mes will neber change. Whereber she goes mes gonna go.
Hewwos! Mes Jess and mes **holds up 4 little fingers** Mes goes to Oceanside Elementary ans mes teachews is Miss Nevys. This blog is fows hews class cus she dont wanna bes dealins withes notecawds anymowes. This mes fiwst blog, so wish mes lucks!
♕Mes habs a puppy names Maxie ans a copdog named Rufus that pwotects mes fwom meanie peoplews.
♫Mes lubs music ans mobies.
ஃMes fabowite colows is pink, lilacs, minty, sky blue ans peachy.
❤Mes lubs mes fwiends ans fameleh.
✎Mes goes to OSE ans is a Rainbow Helper Scout.
ஜMes a shopaholics (Yay! fows 50L Fwiday)
ツMes outspokens but mes cans be shy sometimes.
☞Mes speaks mes minds but mes means wells.
❀Mes likes to dos cwazy funs stuff.
€Mes charges 20L per bad wowd its said arounds mes.
☂Mes lubs it when it rains.
☠Mes hates bullies and hypocwates.
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