So faws August in SL habs been okies fows mes. This mes fiwst August hewes. The goods fing is mes bestie ans sissy just moobs withes us. Hews name is Spirit but mes calls hews Spiwits ows S cus mes littles ans cants says mes Rs. S is a fairies. The othew fing is wes mobs to Fwankfuwt. Mama is fwom that place wheres they eats lots of choccy ans skiis, Switzewlands ans all hews fwiends in SL aws gewmans, sinces withes always thewes mes tolds hew: "Mama! lets moobs to Fwankfuwts. Mes likes it thewes cus eberones says bad wowds ans mes chawges 20L pews bad word. Thats hows mes affowds school, ballet ans 50L Fwiday. LOL!
Hewwos! Mes Jess and mes **holds up 4 little fingers** Mes goes to Oceanside Elementary ans mes teachews is Miss Nevys. This blog is fows hews class cus she dont wanna bes dealins withes notecawds anymowes. This mes fiwst blog, so wish mes lucks!
♕Mes habs a puppy names Maxie ans a copdog named Rufus that pwotects mes fwom meanie peoplews.
♫Mes lubs music ans mobies.
ஃMes fabowite colows is pink, lilacs, minty, sky blue ans peachy.
❤Mes lubs mes fwiends ans fameleh.
✎Mes goes to OSE ans is a Rainbow Helper Scout.
ஜMes a shopaholics (Yay! fows 50L Fwiday)
ツMes outspokens but mes cans be shy sometimes.
☞Mes speaks mes minds but mes means wells.
❀Mes likes to dos cwazy funs stuff.
€Mes charges 20L per bad wowd its said arounds mes.
☂Mes lubs it when it rains.
☠Mes hates bullies and hypocwates.
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