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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Whats the months of Augusts means to mes.

So faws August in SL habs been okies fows mes. This mes fiwst August hewes. The goods fing is mes bestie ans sissy just moobs withes us. Hews name is Spirit but mes calls hews Spiwits ows S cus mes littles ans cants says mes Rs. S is a fairies. The othew fing is wes mobs to Fwankfuwt. Mama is fwom that place wheres they eats lots of choccy ans skiis, Switzewlands ans all hews fwiends in SL aws gewmans, sinces withes always thewes mes tolds hew: "Mama! lets moobs to Fwankfuwts. Mes likes it thewes cus eberones says bad wowds ans mes chawges 20L pews bad word. Thats hows mes affowds school, ballet ans 50L Fwiday. LOL!
S ans mes hangin's at hews old house.


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